3 Writing Tips to Improve How You‘re Perceived
Neglecting This Pre-Flight Check Might Prevent Your Writing from Landing Properly.
Your Pre-flight Check is Always Important
In flying, the pre-flight check is mandatory. I suppose this piloting concept naturally crept into my writing as well.
Before I hit the send or publish button, I always put my writing and correspondence through what I call my Writing Pre-flight Check.
Whether you’re composing emails to clients, blog posts, articles, or you’re mailing cards and letters to family or friends, there are a few quick things you should always do to optimize how your communications sound. Ideally, you want to come across as intelligent, credible, and thoughtful — maybe even humorous.
It’s too easy to inadvertently trip up. So here are three Writing Pre-flight Check tips to help you come across the way you intended.
- ALWAYS, always proof-read your content before sending or publishing. Check your spelling and tone — how you are coming across. Proof-read everything. You don’t get another chance to make the right impression.
- Reading it out loud to yourself before sending or publishing can be a great help. As I read, sometimes I find…