The World Feels Different Now

Paula High-Young
5 min readMay 10, 2020

There’s an Odd Nebulous Upside-down-ness to it All.

I still can’t seem to wrap my mind around all the craziness happening around us — around the world. I know, the stay-at-home orders have been going on for at least two months now, in most of the United States, anyway.

And yet… I’ll be going along, doing things I need to do around the house, and working in my home office. Everything seems Ok but then…

A “Twilight Zone” meme circulated on Facebook, regarding the strange COVID-19 stay-at-home shut-down we’ve been experiencing.

I turn on The Weather Channel or something, and I remember how things are like an episode of The Twilight Zone.

I see the relatively new commercials — reminding us of the strange times we’re living in, to stay home, and to order take out or delivery from our favorite restaurants — to help them stay in business.

Maybe part of my difficulty is — some of this is kind of normal for me, and some of it isn’t. I’ve been working from home (as a writer and health coach) for a few years. I spend most days alone at home, in my office. The majority of my meetings are on Zoom videoconferencing.

I don’t have kids, and my husband works a couple of hours away. So in this regard, only a few things have changed for me…



Paula High-Young

Life & Wellness coach. Writer. “Ham radio” operator KZ5YL, photographer, & hot-air balloonist.